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Tampa Friends

Tampa Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

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Tampa Friends Meeting library Tampa Friends Meeting maintains a small library to aid with the continued study and reflection which are essential to the spiritual growth of our Quaker community. The focus of our collection is Quakerism and is shelved under the following categories: Faith, Practice and Spirituality, History, Journals and Biography, Peace and Social Concerns, Fiction and Young Friends/Children. We also have a variety of Pendle Hill Pamphlets and the magazines Friends Journal and Quaker Life.

Meeting members and regular attenders are welcome to check out books, pamphlets and magazines by recording their borrowing in the notebook on the library table. As our library is small, we ask that reading materials be returned in a timely manner and in good condition so others may also borrow.

Visitors to Tampa Friends Meeting are welcome to a variety of literature made available to answer questions about us. This literature is located on the library table. We do ask that check out of books, pamphlets or magazines in our permanent collection be limited to members and regular attenders of Tampa Meeting though visitors may make other arrangements with the library committee.

Tampa Meeting does have a special collection of volumes which were given us by the Quaker Collection of Swarthmore College and these books are available to be read at the meetinghouse but are not available for checkout.

Questions regarding our library or help in finding something is available by calling the clerk of our library committee, Karen, at 813-253-3244.